Monday, April 23, 2007

I seem to have a knack for whirl-wind trips

So, made another whirl-wind trip to GA this past weekend. And as usual, there was no real reason to go, just wanted to go.

This time I went with Pamela and Danny and we took Danny's mom's new Subaru Forester. While there's a certain appeal to riding the bike, it was nice to be able to nap while somebody else was driving.

Took off after work on Thursday and made a bee-line for GA. With three drivers we were able to make it almost non-stop and made it in 13hrs. Not bad considering its 850mi.

So we arrived after our friends/family had already left for work, so we just crashed till they got home .

Saturday we went to Stone Mountain and attempted to climb to the top. I say attempted cause we somehow missed the trail and only managed to walk 3/4 of the way around this thing.
We finally made our way back to where we could climb up, but by that time we had a pair of knees that weren't really wanting to climb and an ankle that had decided to see if it worked on its side. so we just got in the car and went home.

So we sat around for awhile and ordered pizza online. Now, I"m a geek and even *I* think that is just ridiculous. How hard is it to dial a phone!?! Pizza was good regardless and we had fun playing card games and just generally yacking.

Got up sunday and slowly, begrudgingly hit the road home around 1030 TX time. 12.5hrs later we landed in Keene and headed for bed.

Was whirl-wind trip, had some interesting tensions and discussions, but it was a good trip.

So when we going again?

1 comment:

Rebecca "Squeaky" Nelson said...

"So we sat around for awhile and ordered pizza online. Now, I"m a geek and even *I* think that is just ridiculous. How hard is it to dial a phone!?!"

Ok, now I know I probably bring a whole new definition to the term LAZY, but I have to agree with them ordering online - how many times during the ordering process did y'all have to stop and discuss (at least two to three minutes) what you wanted on the pizza, what size pizza, how many were needed, which crust, etc.? By ordering online, you aren't wasting the poor pizza dude's time on the phone when he could be helping a person that just walked in the door.

No olives or anchovies on mine, please. :P