Saturday, April 05, 2008

Kementian News. 04-06-08 Edition


Howdy folks,

Things have been staying fairly busy here in Kementian. Not nearly to the point where we are swamped, but enough to keep me mostly out of trouble.

The number of people on the project has been varying with supervisors coming, families coming in, people going on vacation, obligations out of the mountains etc.

I've been doing more computer work. Never exactly what one expects to find in the mountains, but necessary none the less.

Audio recording/editing has eaten most of my time with a few other things thrown in for good measure


The dry season has pretty well set in full force and as a result the water to turn the hydro is nearly gone. Which leaves us relying on solar power.

Thursday saw a reprieve of this as it rained for about 4hrs straight then off and on for the rest of the day. Allowed us to get full power out of the hydro again which was much needed to get those batteries back up to par.

Our demoniac friend hasn't caused any more trouble that I've heard of. The couple times I've seen him he hasn't changed since he left here. He acts as though he's mentally not as old as he is physically. His mannerism are that of a young child. I hear that he's still prone to anger out bursts and this leads me to continue in the belief that he wasn't free of the spirit when he left here nor is he now. Where God is going with this I don't have a clue, but I do know that all things work together for good, so we need to sit back and trust him will continuing to pray. Course, thats what we need to do for every situation isn't it?

In trying to track down the package that contains, among other things, and upgraded alternator for the hydro, I found that it *should* be delivered within the next week or so. Seeing as its taken nearly three months to this point, I'm not going to hold my breath. It would be very nice to see that package prior to my departure.

Speaking of departure, I received my tickets for the return trip on Thursday. I've just 22 days till I leave the project and 10 more till I land in at DFW on the evening of May 5th.

Am I looking forward to leaving? Yes, but not cause I dislike this place. I've had a great experience here, though a challenge at times, and don't for a second regret coming out. I do miss my family a lot and am very much looking forward to seeing them again.

Ok, thats enough rambling from me.

Thanks for y'alls prayers, they are much appreciated.


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